Saturday, March 15, 2014

It's about time!

Well, I made a comment on someone's blog and I remembered that I had a blog. :)

So here I am adding a post.

The last post was at the beginning of 2012.  Seriously.  Oops.  I guess having three little ones running around the house will do that.  :)

So since 2012, we've had another little boy.  He's adorable and is just beginning to take steps.  His brothers love him and are great with him.  They make him laugh a lot.   He makes us laugh a lot.

Summer of 2012 was a good time filled with family and the hot Texas sun.   First experiences for #1 and #2:  playing at the beach, Dallas World Aquarium, a ride on a paddlewheel boat, root beer.  I'm sure I've forgotten many others.

We decided to stay in Hungary for the summer of 2013.  It was also a good summer, filled with really nice weather, Oma and Opa visiting, LOTS of grilling because Oma and Opa bought us an awesome grill, and the perfect gift from our landlord, Zoltan:  a large inflatable swimming pool!  The boys loved it.

I will not hesitate to say we are blessed.  Not because of these things I've mentioned, which is a natural inclination of thought.  It's because we know the Lord Jesus and his UNBELIEVABLE Love.  We don't need things or experiences.  We need a relationship with HIM!  Many in the world don't have the things we do, but they know Jesus and they are BLESSED!  They know His Love and that's all that matters.

We've been studying the book of Hebrews with other families.  It is RICH with reminders of Jesus is.  But the words that stuck out the most for me were in this verse:

Hebrews 4:15
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are-yet he did not sin. 

He knows our struggles.  He experienced temptations like us.  He experienced pain and KNEW it was coming!  HE went to the cross willingly.  We always sin and He never sinned, so He saved us by doing something weird: He died for us.   And He knew the heart of man and what people would think of Him.  

What do many people think of Him?  He's imaginary, he's just a prophet or teacher.  Crazy. Liar. Good for you but not for me. He's uncomfortable to talk about. He's only good to you if you are good.  

Yet there are many who believe that He is who He says He is.  He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  He's resurrected and is in Heaven. Death conqueror. Savior. Advocate. Perfect High Priest. King. Lord. God. Messiah. Love.

Tomorrow there are four high school girls that will accompany me and another teacher to talk with people at random about Jesus.  I guess we'll find out what they think of Jesus. 

I hope they fall in LOVE with Him.