Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Chocolate Game

On Friday Hannah and I had our last Bible study with the 6th grade girls. We celebrated our last time together with ice cream and games. :)

Hannah organized a game called The Chocolate Game and the girls LOVED it! You can tell in this video:

Basically it's a dice game and when you roll doubles you have to put on all this clothing and then try and unwrap a chocolate bar (which is extra wrapped in newspaper!) and eat it with a fork and knife. Not so easy with garden gloves on! BUT after you roll, then next person rolls and so on. If someone else rolls a double, then you have to take off that clothing and give it to that other person. So, really, it took a while for the girls to unwrap the chocolate bar and take a bite. :) Like I said, they loved it!

Then, as we ate ice cream, the girls went outside and found some flowers that could only "bloom" in a special way. I had gotten this idea from our Hungarian teacher Zsuzsa and the girls LOVED it too! Basically, you cut out a flower from construction paper and fold over the petals to cover up the middle. On the inside I put a Bible verse from our Bible studies this year. But in order for the flower to "bloom" you had to place it in water. As the water gets absorbed into the paper, the petals unfold and you can read the verse. Here is a pic of mine, before and after:

We had also bought some glass frames from IKEA for each of the girls to place a group photo of us in. Hannah created a border around the photos so that the girls could write a little note and once all had signed each one, they put them in the frames. We also gave them small journals to keep a record of things that happened during their summer. So in the fall, they can share with each other what happened.

I enjoyed the time with the girls. They are so sweet and fun to be around! (I will miss teaching them too.)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Last ELI Class

Tonight I had my last ELI class (English Language Institute). The students surprised me with a baby gift! It's an activity bar that goes over the baby's car seat. I was so surprised and blessed by it!!! I will miss teaching them. I am thinking I'd like to continue in the fall, but we'll see how it goes with Baby Custer. If Justin and I can work it out so that he can watch Baby, then it may work. It's only for two hours once a week...

Attila, the man in charge of ELI, honored me and Kristen (she teaches level 2) as well and gave us flowers and prayed for us.
Anyway, here's a few pictures from tonight.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Baby Shower

This morning some friends hosted a baby shower for me and it truly blessed me. They prayed for me, Justin, and Baby Custer, we played games, ate GREAT food, and I received so many great gifts for Baby. Here are a few pics, but you can see all of them on my online photo album: Michelle's Baby Shower.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


That means 4-dimensional ultrasound. We got one today and it was pretty cool to see our baby 3-dimensionally in real time! So we could see the baby moving! However, he/she always had his/her hands by the face, so we never got a clear shot of the face.

I guess Baby Custer is camera shy...

Enjoy the pics. I'll let you figure out what can be seen. :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009


This past Friday, May 8, my 6th grade girls surprised me with a baby shower!!!! They were so cute and they really blessed me!

Another teacher and I co-lead these girls for a Bible study and she helped them plan this surprise. So, I'm walking with them right after school to go to Hannah's (the other teacher) apartment across from the school. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Then as we're just about to enter her building, the girls say "change of plans Mrs. Custer- get in the van"! Two moms were helping and I get in and we go to one of the girls' houses. They made me close my eyes and two helped lead me into the house. There was a beautiful cake that another mom made and it was in the shape of a carousel horse and she obviously decorated it with an icing kit! It was so pretty!

There was a veggie platter, fruit, Oreo cookies and homemade brownies. We ate outside since it was beautiful day, then I opened gifts from the girls and we played two games. Not sure what the brand was, but I am exactly 8 squares of toilet paper around my waist! And the girls really impressed me with how fast they can put a diaper on a teddy bear. :)

I wish I had pics to show you, but they were taken with Hannah's camera and I'll have to post them later. It was such a fun surprise and I was quite impressed that 10 6th grade girls were able to keep it a secret for a month! :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

ICSB Spring Concert

On Friday, April 24, ICSB had the high and middle school Spring Concert. Rebecca Lingenhoel teaches 7-12th grade band and choir and Hannah Wood teaches elementary through 6th grade music. It was a great night and both teachers have such a gift to bring out our students' talents. The performances were amazing and really blessed me and the rest of the audience. There was even a "sneak peek" at some of the music from the high school musical Bye Bye Birdie. (They'll be performing that on May 15 and 16.)

Here are the 7th and 8th graders performing:

Here are the sixth graders:

Here is the high school choir performing Phantom of the Opera: