Friday, October 3, 2014

Love Notes from God

Last week, I got to have lunch with my best friend.  I don't get to see her much when we are in Texas, but when we are in Hungary, I chat with her a few times a week.  The time difference actually helps us connect.  Honestly, I miss her and she misses me.  We "hang out" more when we are an ocean apart.  It's interesting how God has ministered to us this way and how our relationship has grown despite the physical difference.  Ah, God's ways are higher than our ways. :)

Well, my friend has this saying: "it's a love note from God".  When she feels blessed or is reminded of His love, she says it's a way that the Lord speaks to her heart. It's a love note.

After lunch, I had the privilege of praying with her.  She will be getting married soon and is very busy and overwhelmed at times.  She is also grieving.  When she first told me about her engagement and finding the money to pay for everything, I knew that her friends would give generously.  First, I heard about her calligraphied (is that a word?) wedding invitations made by a very talented friend.  (They are beautiful!)  And her friend gave them to her as a wedding gift!  Then I learned of them having a "honeyfund".  Since I cannot go to her wedding due to it being in a different country, I was thrilled to help purchase several coconut drinks, two cabana nights, and more for her and her fiance for their honeymoon!

So getting back to my prayer for her: I prayed that she would just say thank you for these love notes from her friends and to not be burdened by how much they cost.  And that the Lord would shower her with more love notes.

Today she told me the wedding flowers will be given to her as a gift.  But that's not all.  She is also getting the cake as a gift.  All of you who are married know that these things are quite expensive.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for these love notes to my friend.  You are a generous God!

I received two love notes today: two appointments to share more about our ministry in Hungary!  Thankful.


Friday, August 15, 2014


We came back to Texas in June. We discovered two things:  William's passport will expire in July.  And we have a lot of money to raise in order to return to Budapest. 

Hmmm, that was unexpected. 

It is mid-August and we still do not have the document we need to renew William's passport.  Apparently, there is a glitch in the State Department's system that is causing delays.   Unexpected.

The amount of money we need to raise for our ministry seems enormous to us.  But I suppose after having three boys, expenses rise.  It shouldn't have been, but it WAS unexpected.   Just gotta be honest.

Isaiah 55
8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.

We are still in Texas.  God has a purpose for us here.  He has a purpose for us to NOT be in Hungary right now.  Probably part of that purpose is for us to make our trust in Him stronger.  Do we trust Him to provide for us?  Yes!  He's provided for us all of our lives and He will continue to.  Maybe not in the ways we think.  He will provide for us in unexpected ways, sometimes through unexpected people.

There are many things He's provided for us this summer and I am thankful!
  1. a loving family who provides homes for us and food
  2. the relationship building that is taking place between our sons and their grandparents
  3. the experiences we get to have with our family and friends, such as going to the beach!
  4. a way to serve our families when they need us
  5. reconnecting with friends and meeting their kids! 
  6. sharing our ministry in Hungary with LOTS of people 
Be watchful for how the Lord provides for you in unexpected ways.  I will be.

Colossians 4:2 
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

It's about time!

Well, I made a comment on someone's blog and I remembered that I had a blog. :)

So here I am adding a post.

The last post was at the beginning of 2012.  Seriously.  Oops.  I guess having three little ones running around the house will do that.  :)

So since 2012, we've had another little boy.  He's adorable and is just beginning to take steps.  His brothers love him and are great with him.  They make him laugh a lot.   He makes us laugh a lot.

Summer of 2012 was a good time filled with family and the hot Texas sun.   First experiences for #1 and #2:  playing at the beach, Dallas World Aquarium, a ride on a paddlewheel boat, root beer.  I'm sure I've forgotten many others.

We decided to stay in Hungary for the summer of 2013.  It was also a good summer, filled with really nice weather, Oma and Opa visiting, LOTS of grilling because Oma and Opa bought us an awesome grill, and the perfect gift from our landlord, Zoltan:  a large inflatable swimming pool!  The boys loved it.

I will not hesitate to say we are blessed.  Not because of these things I've mentioned, which is a natural inclination of thought.  It's because we know the Lord Jesus and his UNBELIEVABLE Love.  We don't need things or experiences.  We need a relationship with HIM!  Many in the world don't have the things we do, but they know Jesus and they are BLESSED!  They know His Love and that's all that matters.

We've been studying the book of Hebrews with other families.  It is RICH with reminders of Jesus is.  But the words that stuck out the most for me were in this verse:

Hebrews 4:15
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are-yet he did not sin. 

He knows our struggles.  He experienced temptations like us.  He experienced pain and KNEW it was coming!  HE went to the cross willingly.  We always sin and He never sinned, so He saved us by doing something weird: He died for us.   And He knew the heart of man and what people would think of Him.  

What do many people think of Him?  He's imaginary, he's just a prophet or teacher.  Crazy. Liar. Good for you but not for me. He's uncomfortable to talk about. He's only good to you if you are good.  

Yet there are many who believe that He is who He says He is.  He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  He's resurrected and is in Heaven. Death conqueror. Savior. Advocate. Perfect High Priest. King. Lord. God. Messiah. Love.

Tomorrow there are four high school girls that will accompany me and another teacher to talk with people at random about Jesus.  I guess we'll find out what they think of Jesus. 

I hope they fall in LOVE with Him.