Friday, August 13, 2010

Summer 2010 Update

We are currently in Dallas, TX, staying with family and enjoying our time. William is swimming everyday, playing with a big black lab named Carly, and scooting everywhere. :) It's been such a blessing to spend a lot of time with family and for William to get to know them!

We've met with a few people about our ministry and are thankful for those opportunities. This coming Sunday (Aug. 15) we will be speaking at an adult Sunday School class about what we do at the International Christian School of Budapest. We appreciate your prayers!

It's been hard to balance family time and working. Because we've lost financial support over the past years, we really need to find new financial supporters to help us stay in Hungary. So this is another facet of our ministry. It's almost like a second job! We have to talk on the phone a lot and try to make as many appointments with people as possible. I have to be honest about not being the most motivated about it. I just want to spend time with family and friends while we're here!

And it's funny about not being motivated, because we LOVE what we do at ICSB! And we've gotten such encouraging words from so many people. The Lord just needs to continually work on me (Michelle) as far as trusting Him to provide, despite my weaknesses. I could go on about this, but I won't now. Just please pray for me!

"She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness." Proverbs 31:27