Monday, October 19, 2009

English Classes

Here are some pictures of the english class that I teach once a week. There are four levels offered and I teach the third level, so my students know a lot of english but want to improve. These classes are an evangelistic outreach for the community. We hope to spark discussion about the Christian faith. There is a 30-minute break in the middle of the classes so that we can do this and we want to develop relationships with our students so that we can share the love of Christ with them. Many ask why we chose to live in Hungary, which is a very good question! Please pray for me and the other teachers, Attila and Jeff.
Jeff's class
My class
This is the room we meet in for the break.

Monday, October 12, 2009

October 4, 2009

October 4th was my birthday (and my twin brother, Matt's! :)) and a lot of great things happened.
First, Justin made me breakfast in bed: Waffles!!!! :)

Second, William was dedicated at church. This means that he was prayed over by the pastor and we were prayed for as well. William did great and everyone when "awwwww!" when they saw him. Even the translator wanted to hold him. So sweet!!!

Third, we met a bunch of friends at Pizza Hut near our church. It is an annual occurence and I LOVE inviting people to share pizza with me because I just love pizza!! :) You can see what William thought of it.

Fourth, earlier in the week my in-laws sent me a Sacher Torte from Vienna. When they were here for William's birth, they took a trip to Vienna and brought one of these chocolate cakes back for us. I believe there is apricot jam in it, so it's a unique cake. We loved it! So I was so happy to get another one!!! We cut into the cake after Pizza Hut. And I was glad that two friends, Hannah and Scarlet, were able to share it with us! I didn't think to take a picture of it, but I have no doubt you can "google" it to find an image. :)

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