Monday, March 15, 2010

Working on a Nice Day

Justin grading papers on his day off! :O

A house in Diosd

A street in Diosd

William loves to get his picture taken. :)

As I said in the previous post, today (March 15) is a Hungarian holiday. It was a really nice relaxing day. Since Justin had a lot of papers to grade, William and I went on a walk. The day was really nice, but chilly because of the wind. (William's nose is a bit pink.) So, I took some pics of our walk in Diosd and our day.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March 15th Hungarian Holiday

Monday, March 15 is the nation of Hungary's holiday remembering the Hungarian Revolution of 1848. It's a big day with events in every city and town where they celebrate with speeches, poetry, and music. Also, no shops are open. Hungarians do not work on this day, unless it has something to do with the events.

ICSB is also closed on this day, so we get a day off too! Justin really looks forward to these days because he gets to spend more time with William during the week. Justin normally leaves for work right as William is waking up then returns just a fews hours before William's bed time. So a whole day to spend together as a family is great.

If you think of us, please remember to pray for the people of Hungary to become a nation that seeks to be led by God!

From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determine the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. Acts 17:26-27