Monday, August 31, 2009

A New School Year Has Begun

Wednesday, August 26th, was the first day of school at ICSB. Justin is teaching chemistry, physics, physical science, and biology this year. I am not teaching this year so that I can concentrate on raising William, who is growing like a weed!! :)

So, Justin's first day went well. He described it as typical first days (he's got block scheduling, so some of his classes don't meet everyday): passing out syllabi, going over procedures, rules and consequences, etc. And yes, he does give homework on the first day of school. :)

I've been doing fine at home, but it is odd that I am not at school. I LOVE being here for William, but I miss being in the classroom and getting to know the kids. And since there are new kids every year, I'll have to visit school at least once a week. I'm thinking that will help me stay connected. Also, I am continuing a Bible study with the 7th grade girls. That will be a lot of fun!

It's nice that I can have lunch with friends or just hang out with them and their kids. My wonderful friend Becky gave me a scrapbook that she wasn't using and so I'll start a new hobby with that. We'll see how it goes, because I'm not the craftiest person.

William had a doc appt this past Thursday and weighs just over 13 lbs now and is 25 inches long!!! Like I said, he is growing like a weed. It's SO awesome to see how he is growing and developing. He's still small but not as small as he was! And he's talking, smiling, laughing, and drooling! br>
Here are some pics. I wish I had gotten Justin to take some pics of his first day...but oh well.

William tired out Daddy! :)

Sunday, August 9, 2009


This past weekend we spent a lot of time with friends!

Friday for lunch we went to hang out with the Andersons...Zach, Julie, Eli, and Jasper. Julie made these really great chicken quesadillas and I baked her and Jasper a chocolate cake to celebrate their birthdays. Eli and Jasper apparently really like cake. When it was time for cake all they could yell was CAKE! :) And Julie and Zach held William practically the whole time we were there! :)

Here is Zach and Eli playing a video game. It seemed as if Justin and Zach had their own language when they were playing these games and talking about them. (Julie and I just don't "get it".)

Saturday afternoon we had Emily over for lunch. She teaches AP Calculus, Geometry and Algebra II at ICSB, but don't let that fool you! She is a lot of fun to hang out with! :) And she loved holding you can see, he enjoyed it too!

Isn't William a cutie? He's our little Aggie!

Saturday evening we went to have dinner with the McLemores and the Langs. Since Julie and her fam loved the chocolate cake, I made it again for this evening. It was just a fun, relaxed time. The McLemores have a 10 month old son, Thomas, who is adorable! And he really likes William and wants to touch him a lot. Here is a pic of one of his attempts. :)

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